ON OCTOBER 27th you would have been 104 years old.
ON OCTOBER 27th you would have been 104 years old.
Kazuo Ohno supo representar mediante su cuerpo la sensibilidad herida de un mundo atormentado por las bombas atómicas que rompieron el fino equilibrio entre el universo y el mundo. Único e irremplazable así es el Butoh, refinado y simple de un Kazuo Ohno inmortal que surgió de las cenizas atómicas transformándolas en poesía expresada. FELIZ CUMPLE SENSEI 27 de OCTUBRE cumplirías 104 años.
Kazuo Ohno represented, by means of his body, the sensibility wounded by a world tormented by the atomic bombs which broke the thin balance between the Universe and the World. Unique and irreplaceable like that is Butoh, refined and simple, from an immortal Kazuo Ohno that arose from the atomic ashes transforming them into expressed poetry. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SENSEI, ON OCTOBER 27th you would have been 104 years old.